Absorb has strong relationships with our manufacturing partners and suppliers. We choose to support and stock products that are, where possible, environmentally friendly.
Recycling is also important for us and our suppliers. Therefore, we try to ensure that our packaging material is collected either for recycling or re-use in energy recovery. Our manufacturing partners purchase packaging materials only from ISO certified companies. We strongly believe that responsible packaging can contribute to logistics efficiency, generate sales and strengthen hygiene standards.
Absorb proudly supports and encourages the sale of FSC controlled and approved paper products. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), is an international non-profit, multi-stakeholder organization established in 1993 to promote responsible management of the world’s forests. The FSC does this by setting standards on forest products, along with certifying and labeling them as eco-friendly. Therefore, we promote products that have not been sourced from:
- Illegally harvested forests
- Wood harvested in forests with high conservation values
- Wood harvested from areas where genetically modified trees are planted
Illegal logging is unsustainable and harmful to the environment, wildlife and humans. Some of the key consequences of illegal logging include:
- Many species experience loss of habitat.
- Loss of income for people whose livelihoods depend on forests.
- Loss of forest resources for local use, such as medicine, fuel wood, food and drinking water.
- Governments can experience loss of revenue from taxes and duties.
- By not paying taxes, illegal loggers are able to undercut market prices, potentially leading to unfair competition and causing a depression in world timber prices.
- Breach of the law and corruption.